Punjab School Education Department Lodhran Jobs 2022
Job Description
Punjab School Education Department, District Education Authority occupations ad dated around 13 January 2022 in every day Dunya Newspaper welcomes application for the empty post of Lab Attendant, Library Attendant, Sanitary Worker, Mali, Sweeper, Watchman, Beldar, Chowkidar, Gardener and Naib Qasid in Lodhran Punjab Pakistan. Up-and-comers with Matric, Middle and Primary, and so forth instructive foundation will be liked.
Region Education Authority’s most recent Government Education occupations and others can be applied till 26 January 2022 or according to shutting date in paper advertisement. Peruse total advertisement online to know how to apply on most recent District Education Authority open positions.
or as per paper ad
Summary Of The Job
Punjab School Education Department, District Education Authority occupations advertisement dated around 13 January 2022 inconsistently Dunya Newspaper invites application for the unfilled post of Lab Attendant, Library Attendant, Sanitary Worker, Mali, Sweeper, Watchman, Beldar, Chowkidar, Gardener and Naib Qasid in Lodhran Punjab Pakistan. Up-and-comers with Matric, Middle, Primary, etc. the informational establishment will be preferred.
Locale Education Authority’s latest Government Education occupations and others can be applied till 26 January 2022 or as indicated by the closing date in the paper notice. Examine absolute notice online to know how to apply on the latest District Education Authority open positions.